About Us
E-Scrap, Inc. is a Florida Department of Environmental Protection Agency (FDEP) recycling company – Facility ID # FLR000128199 – insured for its on- and off-site operations. We are also permitted by the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Regional Management (DERM), operating permit # SW-1703.
We recycle all types of electronics from main frame systems to PDAs including computers, peripherals, notebooks, CRT and LCD monitors; desktop and self-standing copiers and printers; commercial and industrial, scientific, testing and medical equipment; audio and video systems; land and cellular phones; cables of all types; telecommunication systems; electronic toys and games; and much more.

Our license and permit also allows for the recycling of spent fluorescent, HID, CFL and other lamps, ballast, capacitors, commercial and industrial batteries and mercury bearing devices, including liquid mercury.